Friday, May 21, 2004

Measure of Strength

Any member of the male gender knows well that a question most men would have no problem in lying is about how much they can bench. For ignorants it means how much weight you can bench-press using a bar and plates. Well, it might the second in the list with the first place is obviously, well.. the lenght of.. you get it, right? Anyways, I'll be honest with you and tell you mine. It's 205 lbs. Yes, a 45 and 35 on each side of a 45 lb bar. But here are certain assumptions

a) The bench has to be wide enough fo enough back support.

b) The height of the stand should be adjustable. Or else the weight is unfavourably distributed on the shoulders or the triceps or the forearms.

c) We're talking about 1 rep max here. I can do 1 set with 5-6 reps of 185 lb

I really don't need a spotter. Infact I lift less if I have a spotter unless I am very comfortable with him. I ususally go to the gym alone as my male friends are contend playing tennis !!!.

Till recently I was under the impression that strength was measured only by bench statistics. The rule of thumb, as I came to believe that if you could bench more than your body weight, you were strong. I was feeling pretty happy about myself. Alas, all that came crumbling down when I read on a bodybuilding website that bench press alone wouldn't give me the entry into the order of strong men. You had to squat your body weight too. Damn! I am the most weak kneed person you would ever find. Not just when asking a girl out. Yes, infront of the squat rack too. I can barely do 135!.


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